Bachpan A Play School - Sehore

Bachpan A Play School - Sehore
Mobile Number: +917828090733
Mobile Number: +919981662312
Years Of Experience: 7
Affiliated To: CBSE
English Medium school.
School Type: Private School
Education Facilities: Career Counseling, Counseling
Activity Classes: Art Classes
Business Address:

Chankyapuri, Opposite Vishal Mega Mart, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh 466001, India

Office Opening Hours: 10:00 am
Office Closing Hours: 5:00 pm
Modes of Payment: Cash

Starting from 2004, Bachpan has completed almost 18 years of successful years in education segment and have over 1200 operating play schools across India. From Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the south Bachpan have established branches in Nepal and Bangladesh. Bachpan: A place where eminence in learning is felt. The amazing part of this kind of learning is that this power and fun in learning is felt both by parents and the kids. They foresee a Bachpan which is not just in learning numbers and alphabets but far beyond that. Technology which has seeped deep in the Bachpanites is a gift which will be cherished for long. Why not moms and dads wouldn’t want to join a preschool and live childhood, THE BACHPAN WAY

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